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Cubic zircon, colour ruby and shape round faceted

Quick overview:
Cubic zircon, colour ruby and shape round faceted. Zircon is one of the stones that approaches Diamond due to its brilliancy, the high refractive index, as well as the colour dispersion. It's been known since antiquity, and takes its name from the Arabic 'zargun', meaning ' gold colour'. It forms prismatic to dipyramidal crystals, which can be colourless, yellow, grey, green, brown, blue and red.
Info: Zircon crystals are extremely hard, allowing them to survive in many types of rock. They're also resistant to chemical and physical change. These characteristics make them ideal for dating vey old rocks radiometrically.
Size SKU Availability Price Qty Unit Type
2 mm.
Limited Availability (Only 9)
Price: €9.80
Unit Type:
string ~40cm