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Jade spot, colour green and shape drop faceted

Quick overview:
Jade spot, colour green and shape drop faceted. There are two different minerals that are commonly called Jade, Jadeite and Nephrite.
Jadeite is a mineral of its own right, a pyroxene and is made of interlocking, blocky, granular crystals.
It appears in a number of colours but pure Jadeite is white. Its other colours include green, lilac, pink but also coloured by iron and manganese. Emerald-green Jadeite coloured by chromium is called Imperial Jade. Myanmar is a great source of Jade, but also Japan, California, China.
Size SKU Availability Price Qty Unit Type
8 mm. x 26 mm.
Limited Availability (Only 1)
Price: €14.80
Unit Type:
string ~40cm