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Fluorite rainbow, multicolour and shape rondell

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Fluorite rainbow, multicolour and shape rondell

Fluorite is a colorful mineral, both in visible and ultraviolet light, and the stone has ornamental and lapidary uses Industrially, fluorite is used as a flux for smelting, and in the production of certain glasses and enamels The purest grades of fluorite are a source of fluoride for hydrofluoric acid manufacture, which is the intermediate source of most fluorine-containing fine chemicals Optically clear transparent fluorite lenses have low dispersion, so lenses made from it exhibit less chromatic aberration, making them valuable in microscopes and telescopes Fluorite optics are also usable in the far-ultraviolet range where conventional glasses are too absorbent for use
Info: The Alps on the borders of France and Switzerland are the foremost locality for rare pink octahedral Fluorite crystals.
Size SKU Availability Price Qty Unit Type
6 mm. x 4 mm.
Limited Availability (Only 2)
Price: €23.80
Unit Type:
string ~40cm