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Pearls, colour brown and shape coin

Quick overview:
Pearls, colour brown and shape coin. Pearl is a concretion formed by a mollusc's shell, which is principally the mineral aragonite. The shell contains small amounts of conchiolin, a horn-like organic substance, together these are called nacre, or Mother-of-Pearl. They are valued by their translucence, lustre, play of surface, colour and shape. The most valuable are spherical or drop-like, with a deep lustre and good colour play. In the jewelry industry, salt-water pearls are commonly referred to as Oriental Pearls, those produced by fresh-water mollucs are called Freshwater Pearls. Some of the finest Pearls are found in the Persian Gulf, from Oman to Qatar, but also in India, Sri Lanka, California, Mexico, China, Japan.
Size SKU Availability Price Qty Unit Type
22 mm.
Limited Availability (Only 10)
Price: €46.80
Unit Type:
string ~40cm